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Universidad de Puerto Rico
Recinto de Ciencias Médicas
Escuela de Profesionales de la Salud
División Educación Continua y Estudios Profesionales

Course Assessment

Step 1
Participant Information

Step 2
Instructions: Please select the option that better describes the service.

1. The registration process for the activity was…
2. The subject in general was…
3. Time distribution was…
4. The facilities where the course was offered were…
5. The organization of the course in general was…
6. The audiovisual resources used were…
7. The written material about the course was...
8. The content of the course contributed to the development of my professional competencies/skills...
9. How satisfied are you with the activity?
10. Were the course objectives met?
11. Would you recommend this activity to a colleague?
12. How did you find out about this Continuing Education Course?
13. How would you like to find out about upcoming continuing education activities?
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